Saturday, September 29, 2007

New to the Blogging Community

Well, Scoggins and I always thought we'd start a blog when we had I guess now's the time! We hope that this site will enable you, our friends and family, to stay a bit more connected to what's going on in our lives, especially with little Solomon.

Today is Saturday and the three of us have just arrived back home from a nice walk in town. It's beautiful today...sunny and warm. Solomon loves going on walks and he recognizes now when it's time for a walk. Every time I set him in his stroller he lights up and gets a big smile on his face and starts kicking. He usually falls asleep outside and today was no exception. Scoggins and I sat at a little outdoor cafe and had lunch while Sol slept.

Solomon is sleeping great at night now. He consistantly sleeps for 6 or 7 hours at night which is awesome and his daytime schedule is pretty much eating every two-and-a-half to three hours with some playtime and then naptime afterwards, usually about 45 min. to an hour. He sleeps in his crib at night in his own room (which is right next to ours) with his door open. (our door stays open, too.) The nice expensive baby monitor I bought in Cincinnati is sitting on a shelf in the closet. I guess you don't really need them in a small European apartment!

This is what a typical day in the life of Solomon Schroeder Berg looks like: (and by "typical" I mean what is currently happening at the moment and what I think I can count on which means it will certainly change the next time Sol has a growth spurt!)
He wakes up at 5:30 am to eat and then falls back asleep until 8 or so and eats again. After feeding and changing him, I bring him into our bedroom, (Scoggins is up and getting ready for work) and we have "Happy Morning Playtime" which consists of Scoggins and I playing with Solomon on our bed together. Solomon is such a happy baby in the morning and he loves playing with us both. He coos and laughs and we all three just love it.

After Scoggins heads out for work, Solomon and move out to the living room where we play a bit more until it's time for his morning nap, at around 9:30 or 10, during which time I catch up on e-mails and try to get some work done around the house (unless I'm exhausted, in which case I end up on the couch watching re-runs of the Cosby Show circa 1984.) When Sol wakes up it's time to eat and then if it's nice out and I'm ready for the day, we go out for a walk in the stroller. We walk around town a bit, and then end up meeting Scoggins at the cafe by his office for lunch or for a drink. Solomon usually falls asleep while we're out. Then, Solomon and I head home so he can eat again, around 2-ish. Again, he plays and naps (hopefully) and I try to clean up the kitchen and come up with something for dinner. He'll eat again at 5 or so and by that time Scoggins is coming home.

When Scoggins is home, he plays with Sol and sometimes works out with him, which basically means Solomon sits in his rocker and kicks while he watches his dad do his P90X workout. After that he may take a short nap, depending on how tired he is and then he eats again at around 8. This is usually when Solomon is getting sleepy so, he goes down easily and Scoggins and I finally have time together, between 9 and 11 pm. We talk and usually watch a tv episode we've downloaded from i-tunes. Then, before I go to bed, I wake Solomon up to eat once more at around 11. This gets him through 'til morning...............And then the whole process starts over again! Whew!

So, there you have it!

1 comment:

Lorrie Rumpel said...

Woohoo! Thanks for keeping us in touch...appreciate hearing and seeing the family progression.
I love technology!
Mom/Baka (sp?)