Wednesday, October 17, 2007


So, I never updated you all on our trip to Zagreb last weekend. We packed our little Ford Fiesta up and got Solomon all strapped in for our very first road trip. I set up toys in the back seat to keep Sol occupied and we were off. (Unfortunately we didn't take as many pictures of this trip as we should have, and I promise to get better at taking pictures intentionally.) Instead of staying just one night, which we had planned to do, we decided to stay another night since we were having such a good time and Solomon was doing so great. Solomon enjoyed his very first concert on Friday night and even fell asleep during it! On Sat. we had a leisurely breakfast together and morning in general. Then, since it was rainy, we headed out to a new hyper-mall just outside of the city where we shopped and got Solomon a cool new Euro outfit. Sol did great all day, sleeping in his stroller and in the car and just being generally happy. He did great, too, sleeping in his pack-and-play. It was his first time, but it didn't seem to phase him at all.

So, that was our weekend of firsts.....concert, hotel, road trip.

Then, this past Thursday, I packed up Sol's things once more as I headed to the Croatian Coast for an annual Women's Conference with my friends Cindi and Daca. This time the trip would be longer, about 5 hours in total, but Solomon did great once again. I think he really likes traveling in the car and it helped that I was in the back seat with him, too. We stopped only once so I could feed him and change his diaper. The conference was Thursday through Sunday and once we got the hang of the schedule, etc. Sol really did well. Of course all the women there were all over him all weekend and he just loved it. They all said he is a real charmer! He'd give them smiles and then bury his head in his shoulder like he was shy! So cute...

Solomon got to see the sea for the first time and the weather was beautiful...sunny and 65-70. We enjoyed walks along the boardwalk, especially with the Baby Bjorn which Solomon can now use facing outwards.

I took Sol with me to most of the sessions and just excused myself when I needed to which worked out just fine. The weekend wasn't as restful as it's been for me in past years, :), but it was still nice to get away and to have a change of scenery and schedule for a while. And it's good to know that Solomon can travel well, too.

On our return on Sunday night, Scoggins was anxiously awaiting us. I thought he'd enjoyed catching up on needed sleep while we were away and just relaxing in general, but he said he actually missed the chaos! So, it was a nice reunion.

I've posted a few pictures from our trip...enjoy!


Anonymous said...

This is way too much fun!! He is one cute kid and I can't wait to squeeeeze his little face and love on him a lot! His mom looks happy and healthy (and thin!) too. :)

Anonymous said...

Adorable! And I love the pics of you on the coast. How incredible!! Hmmm....Croatia Coast or Ohio River? Croatia Coast? Ohio River? No contest really. We'll all be moving shortly :)