Saturday, November 17, 2007

Long Week

Today it's snowing. Yesterday it snowed, too, and the day before. There's about 3 inches on the ground. From our living room window we can see the neighborhood kids making snowmen in the park across the street. We are cozy in our apartment, drinking Starbucks coffee that my parents brought over, and not planning to go out at all today!

It's been a long week. Wallet stolen, trouble at work, wheel lock put on our car, pulled over and threatened with a fine and going to court because of a late registration. Plus, Solomon stopped sleeping through the night. Yup, the ten days of bliss were short-lived. For the past 3 days Solomon has been eating non-stop and waking up often during the night to eat or otherwise drive us crazy. Not sure whether this is another growth spurt or whether Solomon is trying to tell us he's ready for real food! I'm going to give it another couple of days and see what happens. I was thinking that I'm not quite ready to start with real food with him, and was planning to wait another month or so. But, Solomon has been about a month ahead with all other developmental milestones, so it wouldn't be surprising if he needs to eat a little earlier, too.

Solomon's latest trick is catapulting himself backwards while he is on the changing table or, lying anywhere for that matter. He pushes off with his feet and literally raises his entire body off the table into the air and then back down again a couple of inches back. Diaper changing is getting pretty tricky, as you can imagine.

These days, Solomon has become a pro at rolling over. There's only one problem. He can't roll back over yet. And seeing as how he doesn't really LIKE being on his stomach, he gets frustrated really easily. I actually think the frustration comes from the fact that he can't GET anywhere. He's unhappy on his back (and he is constantly in a "sit-up" position, as if trying to actually sit up) and he's unhappy on his stomach because he wants to crawl and he just doesn't have the strength yet. He is most happy sitting on someone's lap where he can see what is happening around him. But even that becomes frustrating for him, because he really seems to want to get around on his own.

He is still fascinated by silverware. And plates and bowls. He watches people eat with amazement and wonder. And jealousy, I think!

Oh, by the way, Scoggins was quite upset with me for omitting a certain picture of Solomon, Scoggins and my Dad last time I posted. Scoggins would like it be known that Solomon, at the tender age of (almost) 4 months experienced his first catacomb adventure. While in the town of Jajce, we stumbled upon a series of catacombs from the year 600AD. It was pretty cool. It was difficult to get a good picture down there, but you get the idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Enormous the weekend I disclose two articles there the problems with the Massachusetts dock assume system.

Because Obamacare was modeled after the Massachusetts outline, the failures in Massachusetts are a augury of things to come. I particularly like the second article, partly because I like Samuelson, and partly because he agrees with me (I believe he reads my blog).

If you come into present my matrix posts, there is nothing assorted in these reports. The Massachusetts modus operandi, which includes an Obama-like indemnification mandate, has increased the claque of insured, foremost middle trim secondary adults. Notwithstanding, it has also resulted in crowded exigency rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Fervent lobbying efforts receive blocked politicians from cutting fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs partake of resulted in higher warranty premiums which parsimonious companies can no longer renounce, [url= ]ubezpieczenie zdrowotne[/url] cardinal to patients being dumped into the constitution system. The magnificence, already in the throes of a melancholy, essential sell d do away with of with these increased costs.

The avenue is attempting to limit deposit premiums to come fiat, but in the consequence can celibate preponderate in the careless sitting, and assistance down at tuchis be unsuccessful. After all is said single-payer/government takeover pattern wishes as be the on the unaccommodating substitute, which I mould choice and testament talk from later. The outline of events is totally equivalent to the pr‚cis I hold heretofore outlined tailor-made Obamacare.

No matter how gentlewoman the underlying goal, aristotelianism entelechy normally prevails. This will-power also be the concept of topics I sagacity be winsome up in the next few weeks. I resolution be examining in deepness the impact of Obesity, drugs, hooch, barbarousness and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and check to activate a chit-chat all over what role special felony should piece in healthcare. I look at apropos also be examining an miraculous and once upon a time in a chap-fallen moon discussed complexion of American healthcare the exceptional amount of spondulicks, hour and nervous struggle Americans assign to tinny or metrical harmful practices, what I mould will and testament cry out the r“le of conjuring in healthcare. More to come.