Saturday, November 17, 2007

Long Week

Today it's snowing. Yesterday it snowed, too, and the day before. There's about 3 inches on the ground. From our living room window we can see the neighborhood kids making snowmen in the park across the street. We are cozy in our apartment, drinking Starbucks coffee that my parents brought over, and not planning to go out at all today!

It's been a long week. Wallet stolen, trouble at work, wheel lock put on our car, pulled over and threatened with a fine and going to court because of a late registration. Plus, Solomon stopped sleeping through the night. Yup, the ten days of bliss were short-lived. For the past 3 days Solomon has been eating non-stop and waking up often during the night to eat or otherwise drive us crazy. Not sure whether this is another growth spurt or whether Solomon is trying to tell us he's ready for real food! I'm going to give it another couple of days and see what happens. I was thinking that I'm not quite ready to start with real food with him, and was planning to wait another month or so. But, Solomon has been about a month ahead with all other developmental milestones, so it wouldn't be surprising if he needs to eat a little earlier, too.

Solomon's latest trick is catapulting himself backwards while he is on the changing table or, lying anywhere for that matter. He pushes off with his feet and literally raises his entire body off the table into the air and then back down again a couple of inches back. Diaper changing is getting pretty tricky, as you can imagine.

These days, Solomon has become a pro at rolling over. There's only one problem. He can't roll back over yet. And seeing as how he doesn't really LIKE being on his stomach, he gets frustrated really easily. I actually think the frustration comes from the fact that he can't GET anywhere. He's unhappy on his back (and he is constantly in a "sit-up" position, as if trying to actually sit up) and he's unhappy on his stomach because he wants to crawl and he just doesn't have the strength yet. He is most happy sitting on someone's lap where he can see what is happening around him. But even that becomes frustrating for him, because he really seems to want to get around on his own.

He is still fascinated by silverware. And plates and bowls. He watches people eat with amazement and wonder. And jealousy, I think!

Oh, by the way, Scoggins was quite upset with me for omitting a certain picture of Solomon, Scoggins and my Dad last time I posted. Scoggins would like it be known that Solomon, at the tender age of (almost) 4 months experienced his first catacomb adventure. While in the town of Jajce, we stumbled upon a series of catacombs from the year 600AD. It was pretty cool. It was difficult to get a good picture down there, but you get the idea.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Catchin' Up

Well, I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I have an parents were in town! My mom and dad came over for two weeks to visit us, and especially Solomon. It was a great two weeks. We spent leisurely days together, taking walks (when it wasn't raining), seeing friends, but mostly just playing with Solomon. We also took a day trip to a nearby medieval town and had an early thanksgiving dinner with Mark and Cindi Phipps. Mom and Dad brought Solomon a musical kick and play bouncy seat which he absolutely adores and I had ordered all of Solomon's winter clothes from Old Navy which they brought over as well.

While they were here Solomon learned all sorts of new things:
1. He learned to roll over! Yup, Mom saw him do it first and then we all saw him a few more times. Funny thing is, he really doesn't enjoy being on his stomach so after he gets there, he's sort of like, hey, why did I do that?
2. Solomon started sleeping through the night AND going to bed earlier! There had been times in the past when he'd sleep a long stretch or two, but nothing very consistent. But now, he goes to bed at 9pm and doesn't wake up until 7 or 7:30am! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!
3. Although he doesn't really love it, Solomon is spending more and more time on his stomach and he is really getting good at lifting up his upper body. He also isn't content anymore to just lie on the ground on his back. He is always actually lifting his upper body up (as in a sit-up) in order to actually try to sit. Crazy little man.
4. Because he doesn't like to lie down anymore, Solomon has graduated to the big boy part of the stroller. No more little infant carrier attachment. Now, when we go on walks, Solomon can basically sit up more and see out, which he just loves. He can see more than just the tops of the trees, the sky, and mommy's face!

On another note, I started working out a few weeks ago and am feeling pretty good. I guess that plus more sleep is really giving me more energy, which is a much needed change! It's still a challenge to find the time in my day to work out while watching Solomon, too. (He still doesn't take long naps, anywhere from 30 min. to one hour). But I'm managing to work out three times a week, which is better than nothing.

Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. Scoggins will soon post some video we've taken over the last couple of weeks. But until then, I've posted some new pics from Mom and Dad's visit.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

First Game and First Snow!

Solomon has had a week of firsts! A few days ago he went to his first basketball game with his mom and dad: the Banja Luka "Borac" (fighters) vs. the Zenica "Celik" (steel). Solomon wasn't exactly thrilled with the game, as you can see from the picture at the right. :)

Solomon also saw his first snow ever this week! Snow fell for six hours straight on Monday and accumulated almost 3 inches. Although the temperature warmed up yesterday and today to make most of the snow disappear, there is still snow in the mountains. At the moment it is 45 degrees and partly cloudy. On rainy days it's difficult to impossible to take Solomon out on a walk, but as soon as Sol's winter coat arrives (Friday when my mom and dad come...YEAH!) we'll be ready for the cold.

Oh, and I almost forgot....two weekends ago when we went to Zagreb, I forgot to mention that Solomon also went to his first MOVIE! In his love for the movies, Scoggins was trying to figure out a way that we could take Solomon in with us without disturbing other movie-goers. Turns out, 11 am on a Sat. is a great time to see movies that have been out for a while with your young son! We bought two tickets to the show that had the least amount of tickets sold for that showing, "Evan Almighty" and strolled our stroller right into the theatre. Solomon fed during the previews, then sat on my lap for the first 20 min. of the movie. He was quite enthralled with the lights on the big screen, I think. Then, he fell asleep in my arms and I sat him in his carrier. The only glitch was about 3/4's of the way through the movie he woke up to have one of the biggest diaper blow-outs in history. He also happened to be in Scoggins lap at this point. So, Scoggins took him out to clean them both up in the men's bathroom. Ha! When I asked Scoggins how it went, he explained to me that there was no place to put the changing pad, no table or anything, so he had to put it on the floor! UGH! At that point I didn't want to know anymore details, but be sure that I scrubbed both the changing pad and my son very well when we got back to the hotel room.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


So, I never updated you all on our trip to Zagreb last weekend. We packed our little Ford Fiesta up and got Solomon all strapped in for our very first road trip. I set up toys in the back seat to keep Sol occupied and we were off. (Unfortunately we didn't take as many pictures of this trip as we should have, and I promise to get better at taking pictures intentionally.) Instead of staying just one night, which we had planned to do, we decided to stay another night since we were having such a good time and Solomon was doing so great. Solomon enjoyed his very first concert on Friday night and even fell asleep during it! On Sat. we had a leisurely breakfast together and morning in general. Then, since it was rainy, we headed out to a new hyper-mall just outside of the city where we shopped and got Solomon a cool new Euro outfit. Sol did great all day, sleeping in his stroller and in the car and just being generally happy. He did great, too, sleeping in his pack-and-play. It was his first time, but it didn't seem to phase him at all.

So, that was our weekend of firsts.....concert, hotel, road trip.

Then, this past Thursday, I packed up Sol's things once more as I headed to the Croatian Coast for an annual Women's Conference with my friends Cindi and Daca. This time the trip would be longer, about 5 hours in total, but Solomon did great once again. I think he really likes traveling in the car and it helped that I was in the back seat with him, too. We stopped only once so I could feed him and change his diaper. The conference was Thursday through Sunday and once we got the hang of the schedule, etc. Sol really did well. Of course all the women there were all over him all weekend and he just loved it. They all said he is a real charmer! He'd give them smiles and then bury his head in his shoulder like he was shy! So cute...

Solomon got to see the sea for the first time and the weather was beautiful...sunny and 65-70. We enjoyed walks along the boardwalk, especially with the Baby Bjorn which Solomon can now use facing outwards.

I took Sol with me to most of the sessions and just excused myself when I needed to which worked out just fine. The weekend wasn't as restful as it's been for me in past years, :), but it was still nice to get away and to have a change of scenery and schedule for a while. And it's good to know that Solomon can travel well, too.

On our return on Sunday night, Scoggins was anxiously awaiting us. I thought he'd enjoyed catching up on needed sleep while we were away and just relaxing in general, but he said he actually missed the chaos! So, it was a nice reunion.

I've posted a few pictures from our trip...enjoy!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

Getting Out of Town

So, it's Friday afternoon and the Berg family is getting out of town! We are heading to Zagreb for the night to go to a Hillsong United concert! Crazy that they'll be in Croatia....Anyway, this being Solomon's first official overnight at a hotel, we are realizing quickly just how much STUFF this little guy needs with him! The pack and play, the carseat, the stroller, the infant seat, and the Baby Bjorn, just to name a few. We'll stay overnight at the Allegra hotel downtown and then head back to BL on Sat. night. I'm sure we'll post pics of our little overnight when we return.

By the way, we took Solomon to his 3 month well check on Wed. He is 26 inches long and weighs 14.5 lbs! He's a tall one!

Monday, October 1, 2007

New Videos

We are not totally oblivious to the fact that the videos we've posted are somewhat ordinary. We just thought you might enjoy some "normal" glimpses of s to the third life.

Happy Morning Playtime

Thumbsucking for the First Time

The Workout

Dinner with Friends

So, this weekend was again absolutely beautiful and Scoggins and Solomon and I enjoyed every minute of it. Yesterday we had our friends Sasa and Milica over for lunch. Only we didn't make the lunch...they did! It was a great afternoon and Solomon did well....he is learning to go to sleep in his crib on his own. He doesn't have it down quite yet, but he's getting better.

Sasa is a pretty good photographer and so he took some impromptu shots of the three of us on the terrace on the top of our building.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

New to the Blogging Community

Well, Scoggins and I always thought we'd start a blog when we had I guess now's the time! We hope that this site will enable you, our friends and family, to stay a bit more connected to what's going on in our lives, especially with little Solomon.

Today is Saturday and the three of us have just arrived back home from a nice walk in town. It's beautiful today...sunny and warm. Solomon loves going on walks and he recognizes now when it's time for a walk. Every time I set him in his stroller he lights up and gets a big smile on his face and starts kicking. He usually falls asleep outside and today was no exception. Scoggins and I sat at a little outdoor cafe and had lunch while Sol slept.

Solomon is sleeping great at night now. He consistantly sleeps for 6 or 7 hours at night which is awesome and his daytime schedule is pretty much eating every two-and-a-half to three hours with some playtime and then naptime afterwards, usually about 45 min. to an hour. He sleeps in his crib at night in his own room (which is right next to ours) with his door open. (our door stays open, too.) The nice expensive baby monitor I bought in Cincinnati is sitting on a shelf in the closet. I guess you don't really need them in a small European apartment!

This is what a typical day in the life of Solomon Schroeder Berg looks like: (and by "typical" I mean what is currently happening at the moment and what I think I can count on which means it will certainly change the next time Sol has a growth spurt!)
He wakes up at 5:30 am to eat and then falls back asleep until 8 or so and eats again. After feeding and changing him, I bring him into our bedroom, (Scoggins is up and getting ready for work) and we have "Happy Morning Playtime" which consists of Scoggins and I playing with Solomon on our bed together. Solomon is such a happy baby in the morning and he loves playing with us both. He coos and laughs and we all three just love it.

After Scoggins heads out for work, Solomon and move out to the living room where we play a bit more until it's time for his morning nap, at around 9:30 or 10, during which time I catch up on e-mails and try to get some work done around the house (unless I'm exhausted, in which case I end up on the couch watching re-runs of the Cosby Show circa 1984.) When Sol wakes up it's time to eat and then if it's nice out and I'm ready for the day, we go out for a walk in the stroller. We walk around town a bit, and then end up meeting Scoggins at the cafe by his office for lunch or for a drink. Solomon usually falls asleep while we're out. Then, Solomon and I head home so he can eat again, around 2-ish. Again, he plays and naps (hopefully) and I try to clean up the kitchen and come up with something for dinner. He'll eat again at 5 or so and by that time Scoggins is coming home.

When Scoggins is home, he plays with Sol and sometimes works out with him, which basically means Solomon sits in his rocker and kicks while he watches his dad do his P90X workout. After that he may take a short nap, depending on how tired he is and then he eats again at around 8. This is usually when Solomon is getting sleepy so, he goes down easily and Scoggins and I finally have time together, between 9 and 11 pm. We talk and usually watch a tv episode we've downloaded from i-tunes. Then, before I go to bed, I wake Solomon up to eat once more at around 11. This gets him through 'til morning...............And then the whole process starts over again! Whew!

So, there you have it!