Monday, November 12, 2007

Catchin' Up

Well, I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I have an parents were in town! My mom and dad came over for two weeks to visit us, and especially Solomon. It was a great two weeks. We spent leisurely days together, taking walks (when it wasn't raining), seeing friends, but mostly just playing with Solomon. We also took a day trip to a nearby medieval town and had an early thanksgiving dinner with Mark and Cindi Phipps. Mom and Dad brought Solomon a musical kick and play bouncy seat which he absolutely adores and I had ordered all of Solomon's winter clothes from Old Navy which they brought over as well.

While they were here Solomon learned all sorts of new things:
1. He learned to roll over! Yup, Mom saw him do it first and then we all saw him a few more times. Funny thing is, he really doesn't enjoy being on his stomach so after he gets there, he's sort of like, hey, why did I do that?
2. Solomon started sleeping through the night AND going to bed earlier! There had been times in the past when he'd sleep a long stretch or two, but nothing very consistent. But now, he goes to bed at 9pm and doesn't wake up until 7 or 7:30am! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!
3. Although he doesn't really love it, Solomon is spending more and more time on his stomach and he is really getting good at lifting up his upper body. He also isn't content anymore to just lie on the ground on his back. He is always actually lifting his upper body up (as in a sit-up) in order to actually try to sit. Crazy little man.
4. Because he doesn't like to lie down anymore, Solomon has graduated to the big boy part of the stroller. No more little infant carrier attachment. Now, when we go on walks, Solomon can basically sit up more and see out, which he just loves. He can see more than just the tops of the trees, the sky, and mommy's face!

On another note, I started working out a few weeks ago and am feeling pretty good. I guess that plus more sleep is really giving me more energy, which is a much needed change! It's still a challenge to find the time in my day to work out while watching Solomon, too. (He still doesn't take long naps, anywhere from 30 min. to one hour). But I'm managing to work out three times a week, which is better than nothing.

Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. Scoggins will soon post some video we've taken over the last couple of weeks. But until then, I've posted some new pics from Mom and Dad's visit.

1 comment:

Jana said...

So, I found this through your facebook profile. It's nice to finally have a way to keep up with you somehow. This is the first time I've seen any pictures of Solomon, and let me say, he is adorable!

Anyway, I'll be keeping up with you guys on here best as I can. Glad you found me on facebook!